
Todd'n'Jen's Home Improvement Projects: Bookshelves

Here are the bookshelves as originally assembled on a basement wall. Paperback shelves are 5" deep, while the two sets of taller, narrower shelves are 7" deep for large-format books. Amazing to think that this was all 3/4" AX plywood sheeting just a few weeks ago!

For amusement value, note all the clever cutaways around the heating register at the bottom of the vertical stiles.
Here's a closeup of the plywood dadoes that I cut for all the shelves. These and a couple of small finishing nails (*bangbangbang*) make the shelves strong enough for even our book collection. The hardest trick was to design the shelves so that none of these dadoes compromised the strength of the vertical boards.

This... is uuuuugly edging on the edges of the plywood tho'. Though it's got sort of a rustic, starving-undergrad feel to it, we didn't have any cinder blocks to complete the image, so I looked for a way to finish the edges instead.
Y'know, 3/4" iron-on red oak hardwood banding is terrific stuff. Several rolls, an iron, a utility knife, and a bit o'sweat produced this finished effect.
Got Books? Seriously, tho', these things just sorta spontaneously appeared about 30 seconds after I had the last of the bookshelf edging up. And this is only science fiction, sans a box or two that we couldn't find -- then there's mysteries, and fiction, and music, and humor, not to mention anthropology and physics texts.

*sigh* Time to build more bookcases!

Maintained by Todd Satogata / (631) 344-5826 /
Last Update: March 27, 2000