Deck Construction 6: Sun September 21 2003

Deck Construction 6: Sun September 21 2003

Back to page 5/6, railing installation
After installing final posts, we rough-measured baluster spacing and cut length and ends on 33 balusters for the remaining railing. Each baluster required four pre-drilled holes (two top, two bottom), and we then pre-inserted decking screws in all holes (see previous page).
With the measure-clamp-screw technique, the remaining balusters went up pretty quickly. We installed the center baluster of the long span (21 balusters) first so it could support the center of the long railing board. Note that this railing board was installed end-butted up to the posts so its face was even with the rim joist.
We then mitered, fit, and cut top boards to length before installing them, and pulled the miters closed with corner screws. After this the deck is ready for stress testing and -- even more intimidating -- the town inspector! The final touch was post caps on all the stair posts; these are also made from Trex and should weather along with the rest of the deck.
Note that Todd decided not to sit on the railing to "demonstrate" just how strong it is. But... Nice deck!
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Maintained by Todd Satogata / (631) 344-5826 /
Last Update: September 21, 2003