IPAC'19 Light Peer Review Timeline

Alex Bogacz / IPAC'19 Scientific Publication Board Chair / bogacz@jlab.org
Todd Satogata / IPAC'19 Scientific Publication Board / satogata@jlab.org
IPAC'19 Light Peer Review Guidance

Remaining deadlines for the whole process are indicated below:


At IPAC'19, a Light Peer Reviewed process is offering an intermediate level of publication between a non-refereed IPAC paper (that will be published by default in the JACoW conference proceedings) and a high quality PRAB paper. This is a continuation of successful similar efforts at IPAC'17 and IPAC'18.

Successful peer reviewed papers will be published as part of the Institute of Physics Journal of Physics: Conference Series and therefore visible in the known publication and citation databases. The IoP Proceedings Licence Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Please note that publication in the IoP Conf. Series excludes the possibility of publication in the PRAB special edition (or any other "regular" edition of PRAB).

We see the introduction of light peer review as an opportunity to publish papers that do not fulfill all the acceptance criteria of journals by virtue of their limited content, as is inevitable with the three page limit. Examples of papers that may survive light peer review, but possibly not the rigour of PRAB, could include review papers, technical advancements without novel schemes, incremental design or performance improvements, and similar topics.

The papers submitted to the Peer Reviewed IPAC'19 proceedings will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Advisory Board, Organizing Committee, Scientific Program Committee, and by volunteers selected by the Scientific Program Committee. All papers are reviewed by two referees. In the event of disagreement between referees, the SPC shall resolve the case.

Due to limitations on time and number of referees, it cannot be guaranteed that all papers submitted will be reviewed. We expect that up to 200 papers will be processed on a first come, first served basis pro rata of the number of papers per Main Classification.

Authors can volunteer for this new refereeing process at the time of abstract submission; and must indicate their area of specialization by Main Classification.

Last update: May 2 2019