ODU 2011 Introduction to Accelerator Physics
Possible Oral Presentation Topics
Todd Satogata (satogata@jlab.org)
Fall Semester, Aug 30-Dec 08 2011
- Synchrotron Light Sources
- A Survey of Synchrotron Light Science
- Free Electron Lasers (Taken: Lindsey)
- Energy-Recovery Linacs (ERLs)
- Accelerator-Driven Thorium Reactors (Taken; Anatoly)
- Challenges for Fusion and ITER (Taken: Matt)
- Medical Applications of Accelerators (Taken: Cabot)
- Beam Position Monitor Engineering
- Superconducting Magnet Engineering (Taken: Thomas)
- Superconducting RF Cavities (Taken: Mingfeng)
- Proton Beam Sources
- Electron Beam Sources: Thermionic Guns
- Electron Beam Sources: Laser Photocathodes
- Collider Physics: Luminosity and the Beam-Beam Force
- The Large Hadron Collider at CERN
- The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven
- The CEBAF Accelerator at Jefferson Lab (Taken: Seth)
- The Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge (Taken: John)
Last update: 25 Oct 2011