Then click the mouse in the window where you would like to launch
a test particle. You may repeat this step several times. It is easy
to get massive chaos with a little tune modulation turned on!
The following equations are used to generate the motion:
t = 0 until done { t = t + 1 Q = Q0 + q sin(2 pi t / Tm) Rotate (x,x') by 2*pi*Q x' = x' - 4 pi xi (2/x) [1 - exp(-x*x/2)] if t is divisible by Tm, plot (x,x') in polar coordinates }
1) The vertical axis is BETATRON AMPLITUDE, a = sqrt(x*x + x'*x'),
running from a = 0 to a = 6.
2) The horizontal axis is BETATRON PHASE, phi, where tan(phi) = x/x',
running from phi = 0 to phi = 2 pi.
3) Be patient! Wait for "DONE" to appear in the bottom right corner
before launching another particle.
Henon Map w/ Damping and Excitation
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