Accelerator Physics
Winter 2021 US Particle Accelerator School, Knoxville, Tennessee
Sponsored by Texas A&M University

Dr. Steve Peggs / Brookhaven National Laboratory /
Dr. Todd Satogata / Jefferson Lab and Old Dominion University /

TAs: Daniel Marx ( and Nilanjan Banerjee (

Handouts and Selected Publications
ReferenceAuthor(s)Title and Link
Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part Sci. 1986, 36, pp. 287-325 S.G. Peggs and R.M. Talman Nonlinear Problems in Accelerator Physics
Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2002, 52, pp. 425-469 M. Harrison, S. Peggs, and T. Roser The RHIC Accelerator
6th Workshop on Beam Instrumentation, May 1995
AIP Conf. Proc. 333, 3 (1995)
Robert C. Webber Charged Particle Beam Current Monitoring Tutorial
Proc. of IPAC'13, Shanghai, China, paper THPWO074 S. Peggs
for ESS Technical Design Report Contributors
Technical Design of the ESS Facility
FNAL Tech Note MI-0091, Sep. 3 1993 John A. Johnstone A Simplified Analysis of Resonant Extraction at the Main Injector
FNAL Tech Note MI-0095, Oct. 8 1993 John A. Johnstone A Numerical Simulation of Resonant Extraction
Novosibirsk preprint 251, 1968 G.N. Kulipanov, S.I. Mishnev, S.G. Popov and G.M. Tumaikin Effect of Nonlinearities on Betatron Oscillations in a Storage Ring
RHIC/AP/106, July 1996 S. Peggs and J. Wei Longitudinal Phase Space Parameters
RHIC/AP/25, April 1994 S. Tepikian Twiss Functions and Beam Sizes of the RHIC Insertion
SSC-144, October 1987 S. Peggs Iteration and Accelerator Dynamics
SSC-175, April 1988 S. Peggs Hamiltonian Theory of the E778 Nonlinear Dynamics Experiment
Proc. of PAC'91, San Francisco, California, paper 0096 D. Trbojevic and M. Harrison Design and Multiparticle Simulation of the Half Integer Slow Extraction System for the Main Injector
CERN Accelerator School, Darmstadt 2009 M. Vretenar The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (slides) and (paper)
CERN/MPS-SI/Int. DL/70/4, April 1970 C. Bovet, R. Gouiran, I. Gumowski, and K.H. Reich A Selection of Formulae and Data Useful for the Design of A.G. Synchrotrons
Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2003 53, pp. 1-37 E.D. Courant Accelerators, Colliders, and Snakes
SLAC-121, UC-28, Nov. 1970 M. Sands The Physics of Electron Storage Rings: An Introduction

Last update: Jan 26 2021